(If you have not gotten to read the first of the two accounts I’ve shared of my trip to Washington D.C. with The Moral Outcry, please do so here, and then return to this post.)
-Part 2 of 2 Posts describing my trip to Washington D.C. with The Moral Outcry.
October 1st was our third day, and the big day for the delivery of the petitions. In the morning, Regina drove the three of us to another House of Prayer to meet with local prayer leaders and others from several states to pray before the March for Life. This was the day people would gather outside the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to unroll a laminated scroll with the 250,000 signatures organized by the Justice Foundation through TheMoralOutcry.com.
After our prayers, we drove to the Supreme Court where the rally was held at the sidewalk, and listened to the many powerful prayers and proclamations made by the organizers, pastors and priests. The powerful messages could be summed up in this short sentence given by one of the leaders: “Supreme Court, do your duty. Restore innocent life. Reverse Roe v. Wade.” God was in the mix, and I believe strongly He heard our prayers to save our children and our nation.

Later, we drove to the Washington Monument which had just recently opened up after its three year closure for renovations. When we walked to the top of the hill, we were informed we needed to get tickets early in the morning, as they were quickly sold out. This would have been an ideal place to pray for our nation as we could see so much from the 550 feet, facing in every direction.
Instead, Regina drove us to the new Bible Museum, finished a few years ago in Washington D.C., which I had really wanted to see. It contains some of the most technological advanced displays and antique biblical books and art I’d ever seen in one place. It also felt like a refuge in a city filled with constant political battles. While there, I could feel the immediate peace of our Lord.
Tuesday, October 2nd was another important day. We had the opportunity to visit the modern U.S. Supreme Court. The full court was not in session yet for another week, so we were able to take a tour of the building and the actual court and library. Of course we were in continuous prayer for our Justices to have godly wisdom and make righteous decisions, since it’s God who established our Christian-Judaic Judicial System in the Bible, Exodus 18:13-27.
We then were given a private tour through the old Supreme Court rooms in the Capitol. Originally, they were only given a small dark court room, and that is where the Dred Scott slavery decision was made in 1857.
It’s important to know this, as this federal decision officially allowed a people group to be classified as property, and is the precedent for modern abortion laws, as it was never rescinded by the Court. After the Civil War, Congress ratified the 14th Amendment to give every person “Born” in the U.S. automatic citizenship rights and constitutional freedom. But the 14th Amendment wording had left a loop hole, and erroneously still allows abortionists to classify the Unborn as “personal property to be killed at will.”
Of course we prayed here as well.
We spent the rest of the day back in the Prayer Room, with Allan and Susan Parker and several others who had been involved at the Supreme Courts petitions for Life.
Finally after a whirlwind trip, October 3rd was the time to collect our thoughts and catch our flight home. Saying goodbye to our wonderful hostess and friend, Regina, as she dropped us off at the airport, the three of us, Valerie, Lynette and myself took the long flight back to Sacramento. During that time, we reflected on the many amazing things our Lord had allowed us to be part of, through this historic event.
To summarize: There are at least two pro-life appeals before the Supreme Court, where States have been sued for passing abortion restrictions, and there are others to follow. We are hopeful that the prayer assignment leading us to Washington D.C. will be the catalyst to end Roe v. Wade for good. We thank you Lord Jesus, for allowing us to partner with you, and other generals of Intercession.
I want to thank you so very much for standing by us, and partnering with us for the Fight for Life. You are helping do the Lord’s will here in our Nation, and around the world.
Do me a favor and please go to The Moral Outcry’s site and sign their petition to reverse Roe v. Wade… and end abortion in America.
We continue to progress, and You are helping us to win the fight for Life!
Your support makes trips like these to Washington D.C. possible. Whether through prayer, or action. If you haven’t already, you can prayerfully consider joining a Life Team, or giving to help our cause.
Also, a quick reminder about our Prayer for Life Conference Call. We will be conducting this Tuesday, November 19 at 7p, PST, for one hour. The Telephone number is 605-475-3250. Then it will ask you for CODE: 988669#.
Please don’t forget to mark you calendars and join us!
We sincerely appreciate your support, and thank God for you.
God Bless You, Olga Hermann – Director for Life
You can contact Olga Herman, Executive Director for LTI at OlgaH@LifeTeamsInternational.org. She would love to hear from you! Life Teams International helps Equip the Church with Resources for People Facing Life Issues.
Good job , Olga.