Life Teams International

The Lord saw a need for healing and help within the church. As a result He birthed a desire for us at LTI to help those in need. So, our Mission Statement is as follows:

“Life Teams Equip The Church with Resources for People Facing Life Issues.”

While we concentrate on people within the Church, this does not mean we don’t focus on people outside of it. Life Teams International is committed to helping anyone with life issues. However, our main work is to help those within the church.

How Do We Help?
- Resources for Free Pregnancy Services
- Adoption & Foster Alternatives
- Support for Reproductive Loss
- Group Activities: Life Events
- Updates on Life Laws
- Training Life Trainers

There are 3 Great ways to Join Our Effort!

Way #1: Become a Team Member!!
Way #2: Donate
And, Way #3: Support Our Cause by Praying & Connecting With Us.

Just enter your email below to get started!
We’re excited and look forward to hearing from you!